We went to the zoo and decided to never have children. At least none of the 20,000 who where there that day.

We went to a Phillies game.

The girls amused ourselves with ice cream.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Jeremy graduated from Georgia Tech in May.

Next stop, Montgomery. The twins love Minnie and PawPaw.

A little fishin' fun with Uncle Corey.

College friends

Laura got married and had a georgeous Southern summer wedding!

Corey swinging me around the dance floor.

The newlyweds, Laura and Charlie Holt.

A mini vacation to Amish country in July. We stayed at a farmhouse dating back to the 1700s. It also had an amazing clawfoot whirlpool tub that I plan to have in my next bathroom, if I win the lottery.

4th of July in front of Independence Hall. This is where it all began, folks!

Beautiful Lake George in September.

We rented a boat and spent all day on the lake. We now want a boat.

I drove about 30 seconds for the photo opp. I had much more fun as a passenger.

In a little gazebo at a house near Fort Ticonderoga in New York. Presidents used to stay at this house or something. At least that is what the plaque said.

The entrance to a beautiful garden on the grounds of Fort Ticonderoga. The picture does not capture how magical this place was.

A canon at Fort Ticonderoga, looking out on Lake Champlain.

NYC with the sibblings in October.

One year of marriage on October 24th. I don't look very happy about it, but I am!

Camping with Ben and Toni in October. This is a pic of the boys, Corey, Ben and Berlin.

I made Ben stop the car. I felt like "that person" but it was too beautiful to pass up.

Toni and I by the non-existant fire.

We went off-trail to find this spot, but it was beautiful. All we had to do was climb on my hands and knees up a mountain. No big deal.

A dinner in December.

The table is set...

Daddy does the honors on his first trip to our new home!

Kinda an akward picture, but I like it.


The Pacific, it was beautiful. The guy who took this picture was throwing a ball way out in the ocean and his dog, who was a retired rescure dog, was amazing and finding the ball every time. Just a day in the life of a CA resident. "Hey, I'm going to run down the street and play fetch with the dog...in the Pacific ocean."

The first mission in San Deigo, where JJ and Jess got married.

At the reception with our buddies for the weekend, Brandon and Brittney.

Decorating the tree with Amanda and Ray on Christmas Eve!

Dudly, Jeremy and Ami's dog.

I got to see my best friends after Christmas, Lindsey, Laura and Jenah. Lindsey and Jenah both had new baby boys for me to meet. All of the kids were adorable. I also got to see Laura, but don't have a picture. I do wish I had a picture of her and Charlie playing a Wii dance game, it was hilarious!

2010 family beach trip.

Lily and I rode the carosuel in Panama City.

Goodbye 2010, it was a great year!
I'll leave you with a little video from Lake George.
Such great pictures! Was Dudley winking at you? So cute!