Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gardening brings life to Philadelphia row home

Plants don't really like me that much. Before Corey left for a few weeks in March, he said his little goodbyes to our current house plants, knowing that it may be the last time he saw them alive and healthy.

But when spring burst into Philadelphia in early April, I had the itch to really conquer my feeling of gardening inadequacy. With the masterful (and hilarious) help of Lindsay Reilly, I actually planted a plant. Did have have to ask her a million questions? Yes. Could my gardening instincts be any less natural? Probably not. But at the end of the day I had beautiful window boxes, herbs, vegetables and flowers and a good many laughs under my sleeve. Good weather, good friends, a little dirt, a pitcher of pink lemonade -- a perfect gardening day.

The Process

The Result

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! (Did Lindsey tell you that you might need to water them occasionally?)

    I want to go sit on your patio with you!
